Low FODMAP Meal Plan (7days)


Nutritional therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects 10-15% of people, causing unpleasant symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, and stomach pain. These symptoms can greatly impact your quality of life. Following a Low FODMAP diet has been shown to significantly improve these symptoms in about 75% of cases.

This meal plan is low lactose, low fructose, low fructan and low polyols.

The Low FODMAP Meal Plan Program provides:

  • 7 day Meal Plan – Comprising of 3 Meals and 2 snacks per day. This meal plan utilizes left overs to save time preparing and cooking in the kitchen.
  • 36 Recipes – You will find recipes for every meal plan item, with ingredients list and easy to follow step by step method.
  • Shopping list – An itemized shopping list with groceries broken into categories including fruit, vegetable, boxed & canned, condiments & oils, and seeds, nuts & spices
  • Full nutritional information – This meal plan provides full nutritional information for overall meal plan, as well as individual recipes. Nutritional information includes macronutrients (total kj/calories, protein, fats & carbohydrates) and micronutrients (incl. iron, calcium, potassium, phosphate, b12, zinc, magnesium, to name as few).


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