No doubt this year has unfortunately placed a different vibe to Easter. However, the Easter bunny will never delay it’s visit, even despite the covid-19 outbreak!

It is important to be sensible when it comes to Easter celebrations. A season full of chocolate, hot cross buns and heart-warming meals is certain to be on the cards for most households. What can be controlled however, is the portion sizing and perhaps the amount of food consumed.

As Dietitians, we are well aware of this time of year and how it may play out for many people. The following tips will help you navigate your Easter this weekend and hopefully put a couple of things at ease if you had them on your radar.

  • Don’t deprive yourself. This is very important, because we know that gifting of copious amounts of chocolate is common. The best thing to do would be to avoid completely depriving yourself of anything, as this can lead to binge eating later on. I would always encourage someone to consume chocolate through Easter, within moderation and not to replace meals, to allow a sense of enjoyment, satisfaction and also happiness in what seems like a dark world at the moment.
  • Drink plenty of water. This is an easy one to forget when it may be a time when alcohol or soft drinks are around more. There is nothing wrong with consuming alcohol or soft drink in moderation, but it could be worth having a glass of water in between, to keep your hydration status up or to scatter water drinks across the day.
  • Keep active during this season. It can be a hard season to keep active, given that gyms and fitness centres are closed, and the weather certainly isn’t as good as it used to be. However, home work-outs can be just as effective to keeping physically active every day, even If it’s just 30 minutes on most days of the week. It could also be worth going for a walk or run to get some fresh air and clear your mind after being at home for extensive periods. By keeping active, most people are less likely to feel ‘guilty’ about the chocolate they have consumed over Easter and more often than not, find that their digestion may be improved if they are moving their body.
  • Start the day right. You may not be able to control what’s served at the lunch or dinner table, but you can control what you eat when you wake up. This is where you could have a breakfast with fruit or high levels of fibre (e.g. porridge with fruit or rolled oats with fruit and yoghurt) to keep you full until your next meal. By doing this, it reduces your risk of overindulging later in the day.
  • The week after Easter should be followed by as much routine as possible, including regular meals (instead of chocolate for breakfast), physical activity and regular snacking, to prevent overconsumption of food later in the day. If you have Easter eggs left, remember to consume them within moderation, as you might get longer out of them this way too.

We hope more than anything, that your Easter can be a happy and enjoyable time of year, even if it may be a celebration with the family via a Zoom call. Stay safe and keep healthy!