Tips To Stay On Top Of Your Nutrition During COVID-19

Is everyone feeling the heat of the latest COVID-19 outbreak? Our latest blog talks about some ways to go about it.

Has this whole outbreak had you in a panic and getting a larger than usual amount of supplies? The shops are as busy, if not busier than Christmas Eve as everyone is wanting to stockpile their cupboards for this pandemic. Rest assured, Australia has plenty of food to go around, it’s just about being there when the shelves are stocked.

Here are some smart ways to ensure that you can go about it without too much stress:

  • Meal prep with minimal processed foods, ensuring 1/4 meal is carbohydrate, 1/4 meal is protein and 1/2 meal is vegetables or salad.
  • Consider purchasing pots of vegetables or fruits to grow your own produce. Stop worrying about what’s in stock at the supermarket by controlling your vegetables and fruit you grow in your own garden or in a pot.
  • Grab a couple of extra cans of legumes and beans as they have extra shelf life but be mindful that other people use them too. Do not over buy.
  • Fruit and vegetable markets always have a range of fruit and vegetables. You can always freeze bananas and berries for smoothies.
  • Ensure that you incorporate high fibre and high protein foods. These keep you fuller for longer and provide an abundance of nutrients.
  • Always consider dietary requirements or medications that are needed. It could be worth grabbing an extra couple of things at your next shop to ensure that you don’t run dry in the short term.

The best word of advice is to be prepared if required to stay home with things you rely on a daily basis but ensure that you allow for others to do the same. There is enough food to go around if we are all sensible about buying.

For the elderly and those with a disability, a new intervention has been implemented to allow these people to have first access to major supermarkets for the first hour that they open. It is important to understand that these people are likely on a pension or a wage that may not be sufficient enough to afford to buy a couple of more items at their shop. Please be mindful of these people that also rely on carers to take them shopping.

Some tips I would like to recommend over the next little while:

Ensure that you get plenty of sleep per day. This may be hard with everything going on around you, but we all know that sleep helps repair the body and is where our body loves to replenish.

  • Keep on top of stress management. Take 1 hour out of your day to meditate, call a friend, read a book, go for a walk or do something you love.
  • Try to avoid as much media as possible if you think that this may be heightening levels of stress. Of course, it is vital to ensure we are up to date, but multiple news may cause unnecessary stress for some.
  • Check up on your loved ones and see if they’re doing okay. Everyone manages stress and times like these a little differently, so it is important to ensure that we are all looking after one another.
  • Distance yourself from people in public and reduce public exposure to prevent further spread of COVID-19. Supermarkets are no doubt important, but it could be worth considering future plans with friends and families at restaurants or places that are busy with people. This could include getaways. You don’t know who has been in the room before you.
  • Look after the elderly! They are vulnerable and more likely to be short of food and supplies more than anyone.
  • Ensure that you stay physically active and try not to use this as an excuse to not do anything. Our body will prefer to get out into nature or release endorphins to help you get through the days. Home gym or yoga, walking or running, or even making your own routine up so that you are keeping active. 30 minute or more s on most days is recommended.
  • Ensure you are consuming a balanced diet to protect your immune system by consuming a variety of foods from the 5 food groups (Vegetables, fruit, dairy, meat and alternatives including fish and vegetarian options like tofu and breads/grains and cereals).

Stay safe and healthy and help those around you, we are all in this together.

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